Conference Programme

Friday 2013/12/06

13:00- 13:00 Welcome
13:30 Lunch
15:45 Session 1: Young Research Prize
  1. Rubén Amoros: "A Spatio-Temporal Markov Model for the Detection of Influenza Outbreaks with Adaptable Spatial Structure"
  2. Danilo Alvares da Silva: "Title: Converging to the World of Statistical Science"
  3. Guillermo  Valles: "This algorithm is called AMOEBA "
  4. Hector Perpiñan: "Joint Models to analyze the evolution of Chronic Kidney Disease in children".
18:00- 18:15  Coffe break

18:15:20:15 Session 2: "Mereixer age Session"

  1. Anabel Forte: "BayeStats. Statistical Services"
  2. Paloma Botella: "Multivariate disease mappping using matrix models".
  3. Xavier Barber: "Future Work: wavelength modeling in food processing industry".
  4. Francisco Santonja: "Quantifying uncertainty in mathematical models".
21:00 Dinner
22:30 Speaker's Corner 

Saturday 2013/12/07

10:00 Visits

  • Les Rotes beach (easy)
  • Torre del Gerro (medium) (link)
  • Sant Antoni cape (Hard) (link)

  • 13:30 Bus exit for Lunch

    17:00 Session 3: "Contributed Session"

    1. Stefano Cabras: "Approximate Bayesian Computation with Quasi-Likelihoods"
    2. MªEugenia Castellanos: "Some measures for Objective Bayesian Variable Selection for Censored Data".
    3. Miguel Angel Martinez: "On Multidimensional Disease Mapping".
    4. Gonzalo Garcia-Donato: "Criteria for objective Bayesian model choice"

    18:45- 19:00 coffee break

    19:00- 20:30 Session 4: "Thanksgiving session"
        1. David Conesa: "Geostatistical models with uncertainty in the covariates".
        2. Antonio Lopez-Quilez: "Going deeper into spatial structures and spreading links in unexplored fields".
        3. Carmen Armero: "Dealing with the organization, management and working for COMPRO_UN"

        20:45 Clausure Session
            • Video Conference from Duke University (USA) 
              • Speakers:
                • Susie Bayarri
                • James O. Beger
            21:00 Closure Dinner
            22:00  Prize Awward Ceremony

            22:30 Speaker's Corner 

            Sunday 2013/12/08

            10:30 Bye bye BA^STAMO, hello [BA^STAMO]^2... I hope so!!!